ir iš kur žmonės tokios info randa? čia gal Onion News žiūrint tokių briedų prisigaudo ar šeimininkės patarėją skaitot?
tu man pasakyk, kiek to tepalo reik dapilt nuo matuoklės apačios iki MAX ribos? litras bus? ten kartery koks katinas mires ar pelkėj motoras skendes, kad tepalo filtras užsikiš? blogiausia kas gali nutikti tai prasuks indėklus, tai ar dapilsi ar keisi tuos tepalus su filtru dabar kaip ir "pa barabanu". reiškias tiek tam motorui ir tetrūko
Kiek supilta? 4 litrai.
Kiek telpa? ~4.5l
vadinasi buvo likę apie 0.5l.
Apie tepalo sąvybių praradimą:
"As whatever limited oil is in the engine is pushed around, it becomes hotter and hotter. It becomes hotter because the oil isn't allowed enough time to cool down a little before it is required to go back into the engine and do its thing. As this happens, the oil will wear out faster. Fully synthetic oil will last longer than dino (refined) oil, but it will suffer defeat sooner or later as well. Several reactions happen to the oil, to include oxidation, thermal degradation, and compressive heating. Mind you, all of these things are created under normal use conditions (and thus the reason we change oils when we should), but under extreme conditions <...> it all happens much faster."
Tai tiek. Kartais verta nusiimt ironiško eksperto kaukę.