Nu tai Tu siūlai, kad nepriklauso sistemos veikimo principas, nuo to koks yra gamintojas (automobilio, ne sistemos) ir kas atlieka kalibravimą. Wikipedia tau parodė juodu ant balto, kaip yra bendriausiu atveju, o ne kaip yra konkrečiu atveju t.y. 147/GT modeliuose.
Ištrauka iš GT, eLearn VDC funkcijos apibūdinimo skilties:
The ASR system increases vehicle stability and active safety
by controlling drive wheel slip. If slip is caused by excessive power transmission, it cuts in to reduce engine power through communication with the engine management control unit; if slip is detected at a single wheel, the system cuts in to brake the slipping wheel by acting on the modulation solenoid.The ABS-ASR system is combined with a VDC (VEHICLE DYNAMIC CONTROL) system, which controls vehicle stability by modulating drive torque and braking the wheels differentially, if there is a loss of grip, thus helping to return the car to its correct trajectory.
VDC system acts on the engine and brakes to generate a stabilising torque when the ABS sensors detect conditions that could lead to the vehicle slipping.
The VDC system includes the following specific components over and above those of the ABS:
a sensor which detects the steering wheel position (steering sensor);
a sensor which detects the vehicle''s rotation around the vertical axis and side acceleration (centrifugal force) (yaw sensor);
a sensor that detects pressure on the hydraulic ABS unit (pressure sensor).
Mano supratimu eLearn'as pateikia patikimesnę info kuomet kalbam apie ALFA 147/GT sistemas, negu wikipedia