jai butu prieki 6 faros pagalvociau 159 
Kolegos, čia kur nuotrauka aukščiau, t.y. Rosso Robino spalvos neva 169, tai - sufotošopintas 159 variantas. Būtent tų dviejų farų papildomai ir nerandi, nes jos "panaikintos", o pats auto "ištemptas". Pasiieškok 159 reklaminių nuotraukų, o vieną ir aš pats buvau įmetęs besiteiraudamas, koks spalvos pavadinimas gali būti - tai pamatysi originalą...
O tikra 169 "šviečiasi" kad bus tokia:
Altavistos pagalba padariau vertimą iš italų kalbos į anglų. Vertimas ne visiškai korektiškas, bet esmę suprasti galima:
Third via to the car of lusso. Berlinone of representation? They do not pay. The Italian Group thinks next to large coupé next to four doors, Alfa and Maserati. We see to them therefore.
He is from the times of the "130" that the Fiat group chases the dream of the flagship. Hour us new evidence with coupled Alfa-Maserati. And one common technical base: to posterior traction.
Alpha "166" will have a successor. Saying therefore, is not one great news. Greater the doors of the motorists are perhaps even forget to you that in the lists Alpha there is a model with this name. The heir will be introduced to the end of 2009 and she will not be on the market that between three years. And it goes well. Also the fact that the car will employ for good mechanical part Maserati is not of for himself one of those announcements in a position to makes you to jolt on the chair. In bottom, he is expectable, after the experience of "8C". But if we say that it will have anch' it, like already "8C", the posterior traction, beh, this yes that news is one. At least it it is for all those that mourn the Alpha pushed from the route behind rather than pulled from those. And to think that until to the other yesterday the continuity in the high part of the lists of the Fiat group other was what tutt' that discounted. Of the rest when Sergio Marchionne arrived to Fiat it said terms that the decision to produce the Nozzle "Thesis", assumed some year before, had been one pure madness. To suffragare this judgment there were the numbered ones of the money hemorrhage that the flagship Nozzle was leaving behind of himself: many migliaia of euro lost for every sold machine. And in fact the "Thesis", that the next year will exit of production, will not have a heir. However the challenge of the representation car, of the berlinona to the top of the gama, is too much seducente for whichever constructor. To renounce to play in this athletic contest - where also if it is not German it is assigns you to a marginal role - is difficult for the pride of whichever House. Therefore also the Turinese Group will spend its papers, concentrating itself just on marks Alfa and Maserati, that they are then those with the greater ones chance, considers you the fascination and the sportività of one and the prestige of the other.